Menyerentakkan Berahi Domba dan Kambing dengan Spons Progesteron
Balai Penelitian Ternak Ciawi Bogor
Spons progesteron modifikasi dapat digunakan untuk menyerentakkan berahi kambing dan domba dengan hasil yang baik. Ternak dapat berahi secara serentak dengan ovulasi dan tingkat kebuntingan yang baik pula.
Produktivitas usaha ternak domba dan kambing sangat beragam dan umumnya masih rendah. Produktivitas tersebut dapat ditingkatkan antara lain dengan memperbaiki mutu bibit dan tata laksana pemeliharaan. Pengaturan pola perkawinan dan seleksi diperlukan untuk menghasilkan ternak yang bermutu baik. Pengaturan perkawinan memerlukan pejantan unggul, tetapi ketersediaan pejantan sering terbatas. Agar pejantan yang ada dapat mengawini lebih banyak ternak betina telah diperkenalkan perkawinan buatan (kawin suntik/ inseminasi buatan = IB). Agar pelaksanaannya efektif dan efisien, IB dikombinasikan dengan penyerentakan berahi dengan menggunakan hormon tertentu. Penyerentakan berahi biasanya dilakukan dengan memberikan progestagen (progesteron sintetis) dalam kurun waktu tertentu, baik secara oral, penyuntikan maupun intravagina.
Bahan penyerentak berahi dapat berupa senyawa kimia yang mengandung hormon progesteron yang dikemas dalam spons, yang dikenal dengan nama medroxy progesteron acetate atau flugeston acetate. Spons ditempatkan dalam vagina selama 14 hari. Pada periode ini, kadar progesteron dalam darah meningkat dan akan menghambat sekresi FSH dan LH dari adenohipofisa yang menyebabkan pembentukan folikel degraaf terhambat sehingga ternak tidak menunjukkan tanda-tanda berahi. Setelah spons dicabut, kadar progesteron dalam darah menurun drastis dan kadar FSH meningkat sehingga merangsang perkembangan folikel.
Sejalan dengan itu, kadar estrogen pun meningkat dan langsung merangsang proses ovulasi karena pengaruh LH dan meningkatkan timbulnya tanda-tanda berahi. Apabila proses ini dilakukan secara bersamaan pada beberapa ternak domba dan kambing betina maka ternak dapat berahi secara serentak. Permasalahan dalam penyerentakan berahi adalah mahalnya harga hormon penyerentak berahi yang ada di pasaran dan sulitnya mendapatkan hormon tersebut. Selain itu, spons impor umumnya mengandung progestagen 30-45 mg/spons yang sesuai untuk domba berbobot badan besar. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan tersebut, Balai Penelitian Ternak telah membuat kemasan hormon penyerentak berahi yang lebih murah dan sesuai dengan kondisi ternak Indonesia.
Spons modifikasi berbentuk silinder, terbuat dari busa super berdiameter 4 cm dengan tinggi 5 cm, yang digunakan untuk menampung hormon progesteron. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, spons penyerentak berahi dengan berbagai tingkat konsentrasi hormon progesteron, yang diaplikasikan secara intravagina selama 14 hari, memberikan respons berahi 100% pada domba Garut betina (bobot hidup 25,8 kg). Pada kambing Peranakan Etawah (PE) dengan menggunakan hormon flugeston acetate, 80-100% ternak dapat berahi. Berahi timbul 2-5 hari setelah spons dicabut, terbanyak (55%) pada hari ke-3 sejak spons dicabut dengan lama berahi 12-36 jam (Tabel 1). Hasil ini masih dalam kisaran waktu normal. Semua domba yang berahi menghasilkan sel telur, yang ditunjukkan adanya corpus luteum.
Tabel 1. Waktu munculnya berahi dan lama berahi domba garut yang diberi hormon progesteron.
progesteron Muncul berahi Lama berahi
Jam Hari Jam Hari
Impor, 30 mg 85,25 ± 12,73 3,56 ± 0,53 12,00 ± 12,73 0,50 ± 0,53
Modifikasi, 20 mg 61,25 ± 16,97 2,55 ± 0,71 36,00 ± 16,97 1,50 ± 0,71
Modifikasi, 30 mg 65,75 ± 19,09 2,74 ± 0,79 31,50 ± 19,09 1,31 ± 0,80
Jumlah rata-rata ovulasi kanan dan kiri adalah 2,6 dengan tingkat ovulasi rata-rata 1,5. Pemberian hormon progesteron 20 mg/spons menghasilkan 100% ternak berahi dengan tingkat kebuntingan 69%, sedangkan pemberian hormon progesteron 30 mg/spons memberikan persentase berahi yang lebih rendah (86%) tetapi tingkat kebuntingannya lebih tinggi yaitu 76%.
(Umi Adiati).
Amazing Modifikasi Jupiter MX
Japanese motor architect or Europe is no agnosticism in creating the prototype. Apparently, Indonesia additionally did not appetite to lose. Although until now not been able to accomplish motors intact, Indonesia is able to affectation the abstraction through the modification of motor Yamaha Jupiter MX 135 LC. The after-effects of the nation's accouchement from North Sumatra are included in Mofest Modification Contest 2 Region III, North Sumatra.
Budi Udin Fakkar of Jatayu Motor Action classified Jupiter MX cartel annihilate it's Jimmy. In essence, he did not appetite to aloof change the anatomy is advised like the motor anatomy concept. "I enggak appetite that. The ancestor is appropriate additionally to administer some of the apparatus that administer a altered mechanism," said Budi.
Therefore, the abstraction of bogus motor architect is alms a altered technology apparatus with a accumulation product. There are additionally mechanisms developed basic of the antecedent components.
That advertence Budi. Therefore, accepting able MX technology is far from the MX. He additionally said that his conception is the approaching of motor sport.
In the modification basic technology has to offer, there are three sections that can be glimpsed. First, the council arrangement council arrangement accustomed name. There are circles of ambit arrangement is confused to the handlebars of time in and out.
Second, the apparatus of shock absorbers is a new innovation. Budi called Advance Suspension. The apparatus associated with the appliance hubless wheels. Alloy handle two pillars that abiding the accountability to accelerate shock absorbers.
The assumption abaft the assignment like shock unitrack, but army backward position. Interestingly, although the hubbess system, this area charcoal agilely back maneuver.
Finally, keyless ignition. Turn the agent application the amateur key by application abrasion sensors. Yes, the accepted affectionate of agenda acclimated in the auberge allowance key.
Amazing Modifikasi Jupiter MX
Modif Bajaj Pulsar Sporty Style
Here I appetite to allotment you about Bajaj pulsar new and nice modification, this Bollywood motorcycle attending so similiar with the Ducati Monster the Italian Bike. We additionally can alleged Bajaj Pulsar With Ducati Monster Style. This is the Specification :
Bajaj Pulsar With Ducati Monster Style Specifications:
Velg Power 17 inch
Rear tires Bridgestone 140/70
Front tires Bridgestone 110/70
Arm beat Custom Aprilia fabricated by Panji MJ Motor
Upside Down SuperMoto Thailand fabricated by Capring Racing
Monoshock Satria F 150 by YSS Thailand blazon Racing Series
Nissin bifold Kaliper Home Cakram (8 Piston) with n Handle Master GSX 750 cc
Rear Kaliper Bajaj Pulsar with Nissin Master GSX 750 cc
Tubular n adjustment to allow a custom Tank 22 liter
Coconut carapace lamp Frontpage Suzuki Hayabusa
Bajaj Pulsar With Ducati Monster Style Engine:
Bore up 225 cc (Piston Suzuki Carry) By Said Bos MJ Motor
Coil XP 2 seeds
Smart CDI Brt Click settings on the 36 drajat n 11000 Rpm ---> recommended by bang-up Said Mj Motor
Custom Neck Knalpot by Eric Capring Racing
Silencer DG (Daytona)
Filter karbu Koso
Modif Bajaj Pulsar Sporty Style
Modifikasi Yamaha Vixion Sporty
vixion blooming goblin 2011 Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Vixion Factory Design
Modifikasi Motor Yamaha Vixion with blooming blush aggregate and again add brownish aftereffect to the acrylic color, this is acute motorcycle acrylic modification I guess. This modifikasi motor additionally add air-scoop beneath this Yamaha Vixion Agent to proctect that engine.
Sporty Modifikasi Honda Mega Pro
Base frame Mega Pro is far different to that of KTM Stunt. So this sector slashed. Especially the original dibuang.Rangka deliberately stern stern-owned Mega Pro is too flat. After deducting directly replaced with a tubular pipe size 3 / 4 dim.Desain stern of this new framework based on characters created nungging back on the KTM Stunt
Then add muscle in the framework of the sector around the side of the machine. At first glance similar models framework KTM Stunt. Although KTM Stunt imitate, but to design the framework still made his own. And bibuat using tubular pipe sizes 1 / 2 inches combined 3 / 4 inches.
As for the affairs of the legs, apply upside down ex Aprilia RS125. Need a small modification on the tube again komstir. The rest, still like the tide sokbreker in general. What rada ribet affairs following precisely the swing arm monosok. Because to be able to apply arm Cagiva Mito had little to do touch modifications. Especially for the arm as it takes longer.
The tank should still be overhauled first. To the rear should be reduced first. Not bad, less so after dipapas this tank is now decreased by 10 cm, then wrap it with the fuel reservoir plate fit the desired design.
More maknyus while adding steps at the side dilakoni shroud. Moreover shroud is equipped with LED lights that also serves as sein.Berikut Data modification:
Front tire: 120/60-17 Continental
Rear tire: 160/60-17 Dunlop Sportmax
Front rim: 3.00 × 17 TDR
Rear rim: 3.50 × 17 TDR
Front disc: Custom
Rear discs: Jupiter MX
Sok back: Yoshimura
Silencer: Akrapovic
GDZH: (0321) 860040
New Honda Spacy
PT Astra Honda Motor has aloof launched its new automated scooter, new Honda Spacy, the motorcycle bazaar in the country. Well, that spacy attending added stylish, while all the car manufacturers Honda offers a amalgamation of aboriginal accessories.
The options alignment from visors, elastic attic sets, air cleaner cover, adornment muffler, and fan covers. Accessories are accessible in three colors, red, dejected and gray, with the official alpha of Rp 70,000 to Rp 351,000. In addition, there is additionally a spacy bisected face helmet with a aggregate of red and white-white-blue for Rp 170,000 per assemblage which would accept the accepted ISO II.
All these accessories can be acquired at Honda dealers throughout Indonesia with the absolute archetypal pairs after modification
Ferrari Enzo Modification 2011
super exotic, once we present last month as belonging Galadari brothers, wealthy families Dubai Iranian nationals who are literally a half owner of Dubai. Vehicle modifications Gemballa extreme claim was originally prepared to make its debut at Dubai Motor Show, but missed.
This time, Gemballa officially released details of the latest photos as well as MIG-U1 Gemballa made on the basis of Enzo Ferrari, and in fact this vehicle was made not only one, but made a 'limited' only 25 units.
We can only understand if many consider the flow modification is applied to the Enzo is like crazy, because this modification was originally made for the billionaires of Dubai. None of the exterior and interior modifications untouched.
On the other hand, especially Ferrari fans will be disappointed with the view that considers the Enzo is not sacred and original again. They might even think this is a modification of destruction were destroyed.
Meanwhile, the Gemballa body modification dodged that they do not just for the exhibition, but also to improve aerodynamics significantly. Hopefully it was all true because they also make changes to the engine computer and exhaust system which makes the vehicle is capable of spewing power of 700hp.
To confirm who the modifiers that do it all, in the legs paired U1 velek MIG mild 'GEMBALLA GTR RACING'. Then the suspension is upgraded using a system of electro-hydraulic control height (HLS) to lift the front snout as it passes through bumps.
Gemballa also touches on the interior by adding a line of luxury device that does not exist on standard Enzo. Among these are the seats and leather-rim steering wheel, Alcantara and carbon fiber. Similarly, coating the door and the ceiling. MIG U1 also has undergone re-touch on the center console with the addition of multimedia systems
Ferrari Enzo Modification 2011
Ferrari California Modification
Take a look wheels with red ring and the radius of gray on the legs of the horse this Jingkrak. Wheels are made by DPE (Dynamic Performance Engineering), but have faces made according to customer desires that none other than the owner of this Italian.
Unfortunately, because the identity of the owner did not want publicly known, forced to hide in a drawer. So ... No problemo, right?
Is Consort Ban, outlet tires on the road Mahakam, South Jakarta, who worked on a grand touring sports car Cabriolet hardtop this. According Wibowo Santosa, owner of the Empress, California, this 2010 model is expected to appear different from other units grounded in Indonesia.
"The owner emphasizes the aspect of a young, trendy, and more sporty. There are some brands that suit his wheels. But once I know love PDE picture, he immediately choose, "said the man was familiarly called this Bowo.
However, indirect selection picked. Bowo said, the buyer requested that the California-made alloy wheels, the U.S. was modified to match the red color horse.
This request is then answered by ordering a draft modification Bowo wheels directly to the PDE. As a result, PDE CS20 Wheels 3-piece was minted in red on the ring (outer lips) to the inside circumference.
Not only that, the color gray in the fingers is also made to accord with some of the items in the California.
Remarkably, it is not just any red color red. "Red is red specifically California, in contrast with the color red in the other Ferrari models," said Bowo.
Bowo also said that the PDE SC20 in the context of the standard already has its own uniqueness. Made from forged alloy wheels brings technical model, which means menampatkan hiden rivets bolts in the rear position.
In the California action PDE wheels looked more haunted because Bowo then accompanied him with Pirelli tires. At the front wheels measuring 21 × 9 accompanied by Pirelli 225/30-21 tires. As for the rear wheels 22 × 11 is selected 295/25-21 tires. "The plan, the rear tires will be replaced with size 315/25-21."
Now, no less important, how much money has been spent owners Ferrari California to spend the goods? According Bowo, for the four wheels are sold the buyer needs to spend U.S. $ 9,000 (approximately (USD 80.5 million). Meanwhile, Pirelli tires priced USD $ 25 million.
Ferrari California Modification
Modifikasi Motor Honda Mega Pro Keren
Modification the genre Honda Mega Pro models sport a combination of trail and supermoto not work hard for the modifier. Especially for Agung Nugroho, courtier One Brutalle Modification of Banjarnegara, when the change by referring to the Ducati Honda hypermotard.
Here, interviews, greeting friends Agung, try to highlight the body outline Pizza Affairs motor home that has artistic value of it. The fuel tank was taken over from the Honda Revo. Apart form fitting, it also has a base tank bolts and wing can be directly enabled.
Means, intentions Henry put a new wing on the tank had no more trouble. All lights are also attached to the shroud sein in hypermotard although not originally exist.
Because Mustangin, the owner of the motor, a businessman from Wonosobo cow is like touring, front Shockbreaker variation used upside down. Though locally made, it changed and processed so dapper. Others seem to use local components in the swing arm (swing arm).
Most difficult, Henry recalled, when setting Shockbreaker rear. Had tried with angles, but the compression good baseball despite a good display. Finally, more oblique angle plus 15 degrees and tricked by uni track system.
Modifikasi Motor Honda Mega Pro Keren
Kontes Modifikasi Motor Amerika
In Daytona carpet Progressive International Motorcycle Show 2011 competition finals ultimate Custom Builder which was attended by more than 40 motorcycles that have been modified. Among the participants who came from all over America, there is a previous winner of the Progressive IMS.
Various classes are contested, such as including Freestyle and Performance Custom, and then rewarded the Harley-Davidson Screaming Eagle 120 cubic inches for the win-modified Harley-class.
Jack McCoy appeared in Progressive IMS with bringing his work, Suzuki B-King, 1340 cc engine Stright Four twin turbo. Interestingly, the radiator was moved to the back and both wheels using size 21 inches. B-King won the category of Performance Custom.
Chris Richardson, owner of LA Speed Shop, thrusting HD KW Tantalizer appear in the top class. Views super flat, despite that, the American motor with V-Twin engine with a capacity of 127 cubic-inch was still able to drag because the suspension has been equipped with water ride suspension.
Kontes Modifikasi Motor Amerika
Supercar Monza Details
The Italian super-fast car was not only limited to Ferrari and Lamborghini. What could it hurt to see other brands. Because there is an Italian automobile manufacturer that is able to compete in the automotive arena supercar.
One of the Italian manufacturer of custom car SPADA Codatronca. Custom car manufacturer that offers supercar Monza is touted as the next Italian supercar.
Monza Supercar was mentioned no less well with TS Codatronca supercar introduced by the company in 2008.
Monza is to use traditional supercar specialty roof open, once an iconic model of the Italian producers. Unlike the TS Codatronca coupe.
Monza will debut in the Top Marques Monaco on 14 to 17 April 2011. as reported by caradvice, Friday (1/4/2011) The car will carry the Chevy Corvette Z06 engine capacity of 7000 cc engine that is supercharged V8 with a power of 515 Kw and torque of 668 Nm.
To give pleasure users, the manufacturers will adopt the 6 speed manual transmission. The car has a claimed weight of 1250 kg so as to move from point 0-100 km / h with a time just 3.4 seconds with a maximum speed of 340 km / hour.
Well, the company will announce it when the price supercar 'Pluit' exhibition sounded. Information would be stronger if the car is priced U.S. $ 412,000 or approximately USD 3.6 billion. It's not a spectacular price for a super car.
The danger, the car will be very limited in the world. Because the manufacturer only produces no more than 20 units. Owners will certainly feel exclusive when it was behind the wheel of Monza.
Supercar Monza Details
New "Mini Car"
The women are now more independent. Recent research shows that 38.5 percent of cars sold in America are purchased by women. This figure is up from previous research.
Based on a survey of Polk and egmcartech launched on Saturday (04/02/2011), when American women are asked what brand they would buy, then the answer would blaze brands such as Toyota (15.7 per cent, meaning an average of 15.7 of every 100 cars sold is a buyer of women), Honda (14 percent), Ford (10 percent), Chevrolet (8.9 percent) and Nissan (8.8 percent).
But when we look from a different perspective, it would appear other brands.
When we look at sales data further, the MINI brand cars to be 'typical woman's car'. Because 47.9 percent of every 100 cars sold MINI purchased by women.
Similarly, the MCH that has its share of female buyers as much as 46.8 percent. There are also Honda had 46 percent of female buyers of cars sold, followed by Nissan with a share of 45.5 percent female and 45 percent of Subaru.
So the trend is happening at this time the decision to buy a vehicle no longer dominated by men but have started to be held by women.
Honda CR-Z Hybrid
As a sedan that looks into the sports category it was not sticking strong aura of the Honda CR-Z hybrid. So, home modifications division of Honda, namely Mugen European branch, furnish a body like a performance that has been shown in the Honda Type-R.
Now, Mugen Europe and the UK are developing a prototype project and the CR-Z will appear at the Goodwood Festival in England, next July. "This will be one of the hybrid fast," said Martin Moll, Head of Marketing of Honda UK. With experience working Mugen Honda cars become more powerful and bertorsi, "We hope to be realized also in the CR-Z,"said Martin.
To boost power and torque on the prototype Mugen CR-Z, 1.5 liter VTEC cardiac pacemaker be addressed, including the IMA system. Another advantage, so CO2 emissions are lower.
In addition to the body and machine, the upgrade was also done on the brakes and suspension, and the hood is replaced with carbon fiber material, plus an aerodynamic body kit and a package of front and rear bumper, rear wing and diffuser.
Honda CR-Z Hybrid
BMW F 800 GS Specification
BMW F 800 GS is bifold purpose motorcycles and it's alarming average chic akin from BMW Motorcycles, BMW F 800 GS uses 800cc of agent displacement it's produced aerial ability and abundant torque, it has 85hp @7,500 rpm and torque of 83 Nm @5,750 rpm. If you like benumbed on the off alley area, BMW F 800 GS is acceptable for it, and of advance you can still benumbed on road. For added bigger handle BMW F 800 GS additionally has optimized their anatomy and motorcycles construction.
BMW F 800 GS
BMW F 800 Specification
- Enduro BMW Motorrad Style
- 800cc Engine
- Parallel Twin-cylinder agent with 4 Valve
- Balanced Suspension
- Enduro Tyres
- Wider footrests
- 2 butt 4 achievement 6 Speed
- Maximum acceleration 200 km/h
- Dry weight 185 kg
- Seat Height 880 mm
- Completed Digital Display
- Ready with ABS and lot of accessories
I alleged this BMW F 800 GS as Bifold Function Endure bike, yeah it's about absolute for abecedarian to average motorcycles user who appetite to try the absolute bifold purpose bike, you can use it for on or off-road, try it on tarmac, acute alluvium breadth and of advance clay place. Cool bike from BMW.
BMW Z4 Modification
BMW’s judgement to actualize the new ‘i’ sub-brand for the accretion array of eco-conscious abeyant buyers has allegedly rubbed off its ally like AC Schnitzer, as the German affability close will be ablution a assembly accessible angle based mostly on the Z4 hardtop-roadster at consecutive week’s Geneva motor show. BMW Z4 Adapted with a Agent Agent AC Schnitzer 99d
Designed as an eco-helpful sports activities agent that adapts to AC Schnitzer’s new adage “Effective Performance”, the 99d gets its appellation from its CO2 discharge ranges and the agent powerplant housed beneath its hood.
A lot added particularly, the affability acreage adapted the with the BMW Z4 320d Efficient Dynamic’s 2.-liter four-cylinder turbocharged agent engine. Right afterwards some all-embracing achievement upgrades, the four-pot’s achievement was aerial from 163HP and 380Nm, to 190HP and 420Nm.BMW Z4 Adapted with a Agent Agent AC Schnitzer 99d
AC Schnitzer says the 99d can go from naught to 100km/h (62mph) in six.9 abnormal en avenue to a top clip of 235km/h (146mph), alike admitting abiding an amazing ammunition acceptance of 3.8lt/100km (61.9 mpg US) with CO2 emissions of aloof 99.eighteen g/km.
To apprehend these arresting numbers, the German tuner additionally decreased the roadster’s fat by 230kg (507 pounds).
“With the AC Schnitzer 99d, we’ve succeeded in architecture the aforetime inconceivable: an up-rated functionality car or barter whose CO2 emissions accept been bargain to 99 g/km and which, irrespective of its sustainability, gives authentic active satisfaction. That’s Effective Functionality by AC Schnitzer,” the close explained in a abbreviate assertion. BMW Z4 Adapted with a Agent Agent AC Schnitzer 99d
According to the tuner, the bulk of the 99d is â?¬149,000 or about US$205,500 at today’s barter charges, but that’s about all the advice AC Schnitzer is acquisitive to absolution aloof afore actualization the car or barter at the Geneva Salon.
BMW Z4 Modification.
New Opel Zafira Tourer
New Opel Zafira Tourer Review
The Opel Zafira Tourer Abstraction makes its apple premiere at the 2011 Geneva Motor Show
(March three – 13). The auto delivers a glimpse into the continued appellation bearing Opel Zafira monocab trendsetter. The abstraction auto combines best adaptability with a exceptional absolutely feel, consistent in an ideal admixture of functionality and wellness. The Opel Zafira Tourer Abstraction is a “lounge on wheels” with a light, aerial and chic accomplished autogenous that gives acceptable amplitude for rear passengers. It brings Insignia ethics like ambition, aloft and avant-garde technologies to the monocab articulation alike admitting showcasing Opel’s appearance aesthetics sculptural ability meets German precision.
“We accept transferred the abstraction of a adequate lounge to a car and produced an auto wellness oasis, a atom to disentangle and contentment in. Cartage can retreat in the lounge. It is a comfortable, ample amplitude absolutely area you absolutely appetite to be – behindhand if it’s for a internet business cruise or to disentangle for a continued journey,” says Mark Adams, Vice President of Appearance at Opel. “The Opel Zafira Tourer Notion makes a account with its glassy adventurous attending and exceptional feel”.
Flexibility trendsetter Zafira as comfortable wellness oasis
Accurate to lounge feeling, the Opel Zafira Tourer Abstraction autogenous is bathed in ablaze acknowledgment to a panorama windshield that seamlessly flows into a acceptable bottle roof which extends to the rear of the vehicle. A accurate blow is a added area of high-tech blended abstracts that is edge-lit by LEDs. Tiny brownish particles are anchored in the artificial to reflect the ablaze and accord off a cozy, balmy ablaze that can be assorted in different shades of yellow. This reinforces the aloof lounge ambiance and lends the autogenous a aglow appearance although accomplishing a adapted antithesis with the alfresco planet. In the Zafira Tourer Notion, Opel engineers added created the seven-seat Flex7 basement abstraction pioneered by the Zafira, creating it added adult than ever.
The third row can nonetheless be absolutely bankrupt bottomward alike with the attic in the avant-garde Opel Zafira Tourer Abstraction Idea. Totally automatically at the advance of a button, the 5-seat agreement can again be adapted into a ample four-seat rear berth with actual capital activity and lounge character. Acknowledgment to a able new folding mechanism, the aback of the average bench in the added row folds to action you comfortable armrests for the cartage in the alien seats. These again accelerate aback and appear every other, breeding best amplitude for passengers’ accoutrements and legs and accordingly ensuring optimal comfort. With continued footrests, accomplished basement for alleviation is developed – the ideal atom to unwind.
The tiltable three-piece headrests are additionally electrically powered and add to the ample capital appearance of the Opel Zafira Tourer Concept’s cabin. For assurance affidavit the headrests break in vertical position for the disciplinarian back the auto is in motion. In the lounge setting, with the barring of the disciplinarian headrest, they hinge 90 degrees to the accumbent position back the alien apparatus hardly ambit advanced – authentic wellness for the passengers.
Clarity plays a massive aspect in abundance and effectively-becoming in the initially row, area a huge touch-display affectation dominates the centermost console. A covered accumulator alcove aloft that can authority a book Pc like an iPad. The heating can be controlled over two about-face knobs below the display, and air conditioning via touch-buttons.
Thanks to the able and pivot-mounted book PCs on the advanced bench backs, cartage in the added row can calmly cream the web or ascendancy multi-media applications.
Seats tailored in high-excellent caramel covering with color-matched checky seams and stitching, assorted with Cocoa aphotic amber aperture trim, bendable deep-pile carpeting and a host of exceptional food affable to touch, accentuate the monocab’s exclusivity.
Exterior style: Like an affected accelerated train
The roomy, balmy autogenous in aphotic amber and caramel blush tones is encased by an elegant, sculptured and adult exoteric appearance in Frost Liquid Metal, a different brownish silver-grey.
The new appropriate advanced with addition shaped headlamps and accompanying trapezoid grille intakes creates a dynamic, adventurous search.
The LED engineering wing-shaped daytime active lights, bi-Xenon AFL and fog lamps are all independent abaft a distinct plexiglass cover. The fog lamps, encased in a able aluminium frame, blinking in dejected like a arctic acrylic block and adverse the balmy atmosphere of the interior. These apparatus visually abbreviate the advanced overhang. The appropriate Opel Zafira Tourer Abstraction centermost bulge on the awning alcove from the grille to the windshield.
Like the Astra Sports Tourer, the Zafira’s belt band sweeps upwards in a hockey stick-like action and visually helps to actuate the agent forward. The contour is evocative of a accelerated train. The sleek, aerodynamic anatomy acutely reduces wind babble to accomplish abiding quiet canoeing alike at aerial speeds.
The aerodynamically optimized exoteric mirrors abode the about-face indicators that are encased like jewels in an elegant, able aluminium physique. These chic trim capacity are echoed in the waist abstraction of the ancillary bottle as able-bodied as on the roof rails.
The aphotic appendage lamps in the signature brand blazon with LED engineering blanket about the anatomy ancillary and tailgate. The accumbent aluminium bar accustomed the Opel logo stretches far into the ablaze elements, giving the Opel Zafira Tourer Notion a broad, adventurous attending in the rear. The parallelogram-shaped bifold bankrupt pipes are chip in yet addition aluminium bar in the lower fascia, abacus to its activating look.
Innovative designs and technologies addition looks and comfort
The 20-inch twin-spoke admixture auto in aphotic brownish blah matte bark accent anniversary the monocab’s accustomed athleticism and its aloof character. The able high-gloss spokes adverse with diamond-cut aluminium surfaces that accomplish them angle out adjoin the aphotic accomplishments of the rims.
There is additionally a sensible, different detail hidden abaft 5 abbreviate covers chip in the spokes. Opel Zafira Tourer Abstraction engineers developed them as adorning and anatomic wheel-nut protectors. They can be apart calmly and apace and the covers accessible out in star-type to admittance admission to the bolts. The 245/40 R20 tires add an added birr of adventurous comfort.
The Opel Zafira Tourer Notion is powered by a new adaptation of the downsized, fuel-effective 1.four Turbo featuring Begin/Cease technologies that provides a bland ride for all occupants.
The Opel Zafira Tourer Notion additionally attributes avant-garde technologies that enhance abundance and assurance such as the FlexRide absolutely adaptive damping method.
Mercedes-Benz CLS63 New Review
Mercedes-Benz CLS63 New Review
Beautiful design, above achievement and addition performance: the new2012 Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG US Version is all about. Version of-the-top breadth of the four-door auto is able with the new AMG V8 agent with biturbo aiguille ability up to 557 hp and 800 Nm of torque, as able-bodied as the AMG SPEEDSHIFT MCT 7 – acceleration sports transmission. On top of that, the agent ammunition burning of 28.5 mpg is an advance of 32 percent over the antecedent archetypal (all abstracts are provisional).
The aggregate of RIDE CONTROL AMG sports abeyance with a advanced arbor cyberbanking damping and the new, ability council electro anew developed 2012 Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG US Version settings, and is additionally the alternative AMG high-performance bowl blended anchor alike best active dynamics. Visually, the 2012 Mercedes-Benz CLS63 AMG US Version is acclaimed by its able-bodied attitude and exoteric and interior. model’s accepted accessories additionally includes aerial achievement LED lights.
Chevrolet Captiva Compact Review
Chevrolet Captiva Compact Review
European movements Chevrolet Captiva Bunched Suv2011 annex with the development of the facelifted Captiva has to go on auction beyond the Atlantic after this year. Judging by these spy shots, if not all, best of the changes assume to be concentrated at the advanced end redesigned barter that is acerb afflicted by the abstraction Aveo RS we saw this year in Detroit. Details abide ambiguous for now, but it is additionally accessible that the Chevy would be improvements in automated accessories and autogenous Chevrolet Captiva Bunched Suv2011 . The aforementioned change has been confused to the brothers bunched SUV 2011 bazaar in Australia Holden Captiva 7, which is awash forth with a sister model, the Opel Antara-based/rebadged Captiva 5 (known as the Saturn Vue States) and South Korean markets Daewoo Winstorm.
NEW 2011 Honda CBR125R
NEW 2011 Honda CBR125R has coming, and it's Honda CBR125R in UK. Guys.. you apperceive that Honda CBR is called for Honda action bike with abounding fairing, CBR125R appear with all CBR features, but it's a baby CBR series. This is weight-light motorcycles from Honda, and it's acceptable bike for all abecedarian addition who appetite to try the CBR series.
2011 Honda CBR125R amount in UK : £3,170
2011 Honda CBR125R specs in UK :
Engine Displacement 124.7cm3
Compression Ratio 11: 1
Bore & Stroke 58 x 47.2mm
Ignition Computer-controlled agenda transistorised with cyberbanking advance
Max. Torque 10.41Nm / 8000min-1 (95/1/EC)
Max. Power Output 9.8kW / 10,000min-1 (95/1/EC)
Fuel Consumption 41.6km/l / 117.5mpg (WMTC mode#)
Carburation PGM-FI cyberbanking ammunition injection
Engine Type Liquid-cooled 4-stroke 2-valve SOHC single
Starter Electric
Clutch Wet, multiplate with braid springs
Clutch Operation Mechanical; cable-actuated
Final Drive O-ring closed chain
Gearbox 6-speed
Dimensions and Weight
Headlights 55/60W (H4 valve)
Length x Width x Height 1946mm x 704mm x 1089mm
Battery Accommodation 12VAh
Fuel Accommodation 13 litres (including LCD-indicated reserve)
Ground Clearance 185mm
Weight 136.9kg
Wheelbase 1,313mm
Seat Height 793mm
Wheels, Suspension and Brakes
Brakes Rear 220 x 4mm hydraulic disc with single-piston caliper and sintered metal pads
Brakes Front 276 x 4mm bifold hydraulic disc with dual-piston caliper and sintered metal pads
Tyres Front 100/80-17M/C
Wheels Front U-section 6-spoke casting aluminium
Suspension Rear Monoshock damper, 126mm arbor travel
Wheels Rear U-section 6-spoke casting aluminium
Tyres Rear 130/70-17M/C
Suspension Front 31mm scope fork, 120mm stroke
(specs, pic and prices advertence :
2011 Honda CBR125R appear with new architecture and additionally model, it's absolutely abundant CBR transformation from old series. Actually, there are addition alternation as like this bike but in altered agent capacity, yeah there are CBR250R and additionally CBR150R.
Unique Motor Modification Honda Zoomer
Honda Zoomer is the best altered and adorableness 50cc scooter from Honda motorcycles, of beforehand it's aloof alone in my opinion. Honda Zoomer appear with altered architecture with addition scooter, it's 100% Fun 50cc scooter for all addition and I like it so much. We apperceive that 50cc scooter is actual advantageous for circadian activity, it's light, accessible to ride, affable ammunition abridgement and additionally bargain prices. Honda Zoomer powered with 50cc of agent displacement, it's aloof 50cc but fuel-injection included. Honda Zoomer has 4 bhp @7,500 rpm of best ability and additionally 4.5 Nm @5,000 rpm of max torque.
Unique Motor Modification Honda Zoomer....
Honda Zoomer uses liquid-cooled for cooling system, 4-stroke, 4-valve, and additionally SOHC distinct series. For Ignition system, Honda Zoomer uses Digital transistorised with cyberbanking advance, and electric and back bang start. The best important for baby scooter appearance is ablaze weight, Honda zoomer aloof 84kg !!, and for added accessible to ride, this Honda Scooter aloof 735mm of bench height. See additionally Honda Dio the 50cc scooter from Honda
The liquid-cooled and additionally bang arrangement produced acceptable achievement and additionally fuel-economy. Honda Zoomer appear for accessible to ride in your town. Adorableness 50cc bike motor has advancing from Honda. Nice bikes.
Unique Motor Modification Honda Zoomer
2011 Yamaha YZR-M1 for MotoGP
Spies with 2011 Yamaha YZR-M1 for MotoGP
Lorenzo with 2011 Yamaha YZR-M1 for MotoGP
Ducati Diavel Black Modification 2011
With 140 application and 98Nm of torque from its L-Twin Testastretta Evoluzione agent and a chassis/suspension amalgamation that’s artlessly brilliant, the 2011 Ducati 848 Evo is possibly all the superbike anyone can possibly charge for the street. Cycle World magazine, which activated the bike for their November 2010 issue, say the 848 Evo accelerates from aught to 96km/h in 3 seconds, from aught to 160km/h in 6.5 seconds, does the quarter-mile (400m) in 10.59 abnormal and hits a top acceleration of 261km/h. Not too bad for a bike that costs US$13,000, eh?
It’s absorbing to see what CW’s Features Editor, John Burns has to say about the 848 Evo. ‘The aboriginal Ducati I bethink benumbed was the way air-conditioned 851, aback in 1989. It fabricated about 80 application and advised 23kg added than the 848. We admired it,’ says Burns. ‘If you’re Michael Fabrizio or Larry Pegram and antagonism to accomplish money, you charge the big agent [1198]. For artery use, for the blow of us, I like the smaller, analeptic ones aloof because the babble they accomplish is the best affair about Ducati superbikes,’ he adds.
‘On an 848 Evo, the babble at 10,000rpm is the best agitation of all. On an 1198, on the street, you’ll hardly go there. On the 848, you can go there a brace of times a block because that’s area the ability is and because the 848 is geared beneath to admission it. Not to acknowledgment that a bald 118 horses [rear-wheel bhp figure, as abstinent on the CW dyno] feels like added than enough,’ sums up Burns. Well, that still doesn’t stop us from active afterwards the 1198SP – that’s what we appetite for Sunday mornings. But the 848 Evo aloof ability do for Saturdays. Ducati Diavel Black Modification 2011.
KTM Supermoto 2011
With the 990 Supermoto T, KTM shows the assorted means in which a motorcycle can advance and, to be absolutely honest, it does it in the best alive way. Who did anytime doubtable that a Supermoto bike can see its way from bank to bank and the addition to appear off it in one piece? Well, we haven’t yet done that, but we accept that the new Supermoto is up to the challenge.
Colors accessible are Orange and Silver.
KTM Supermoto 2011.
KTM Supermoto 2011 |
KTM Supermoto 2011 |
Triumph Tiger SE Wallpaper and Picture Modification
Piaggio Vespa LX and Vespa S
After the abandonment of carburetors, valve four-stroke and accompanying engines cooled air are now added powerful, with the added torque, the agent speeds below. The Vespa LX Vespa S and now accommodate the burning of ammunition and bargain emissions, with the called sports scooter.
We are base to the best this summer with the ambit of scooters out there! The arena of the Vespa LX and S accessible in altered colors (we adulation the orange!), Although no appraisal has been released. See afterwards the jump for the abounding columnist absolution and specs. techniques Vespa.
Piaggio Vespa LX and Vespa S |
Piaggio Vespa LX and Vespa S |
Minerva Sachs 250 Picture
Market in Indonesia, Minerva Sachs appear in three types of variants of 250 R (Full Fairing), 250 S (Sport) and 250 M (Super Motto). The price? Quite advancing with several brands bogus in Japan motor sport. To 250 R the bulk starting Rp 28.9 million, while the S 250 annual Rp 26.9 million, and the aftermost 250 M Rp 26.9 million. Mineva appetite acquaint The new achievement is about 3000 units per ages or 36,000 units per year. Minerva Sachs 250 Picture.
Ferrari Super Bike Futuristic
“Vintage and beat Ferrari projects admission my design,” Glinik notes. “It’s a mix of what I accretion to be the best Ferrari ambit with the latest technology I could ahead of in acceding of engine, accent and animate management.” He has additionally bogus a adjustment in afire yellow. As far as how fast it goes and how abounding the bike would cost, we can abandoned begin about complete big numbers in both cases. We acquire no absorption if Glinik’s V4, which he’s been animate on for the able few years, will anytime adeptness the accumulation stage, but we ahead he’s got a complete champ here.
Ferrari Super Bike Futuristic.
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