Modification Yamaha Matic in "Kuta Bali"

No less than 100 Yamaha motor output modification, thronged Central Park, Kuta, Bali to compete to become the best in the event of modification Yamaha titled cuzztomatic II -2008, Sunday (30 / 3) this afternoon.  100 of the motor is divided into ten categories, where one of the ten best winners of these categories will be the sole representative of Bali to the competition Best of the Best in Fair Arena, Jakarta, June 15 -15 July.  Apart from Bali, successively creativity test event for this modifier will be held in Yogyakarta on April 12, Bandung, Malang, May 3 and May 17. "Just a different city from the implementation of 2006, ie, Malang. Once we entered in Surabaya. Malang modifier chosen for development in the area of rapid progress," said Indra Dwi Sunda, responsible for implementation of events of PT Yamaha Motor Kencana Indonesia .  Planned at 16:00 pm, this afternoon the ten winners will be determined, from one of the best will represent Bali to compete for the prize a trip to Thailand to "share knowledge" with the modifier of the country's white elephant. "I hope that representatives from Bali who will be winners and get a ticket to Thailand," said Indra when inaugurated the event.  The ten categories are diperlombakan, automatic class, divided into six classes namely airbrush, retro, fashion standards, fashion advanced, low rider / hot rod, and extreme mefrik. For non-automatic class, divided into four classes, the fashion standard, advanced fashion, airbrush, and extreme mefrik. "From each class, this afternoon will be selected one winner, and ten will be selected from the best one. So what could be in the category which represents Bali. Just because the title of this event cusstomatic, you can be sure who will represent the motor matic.
Tags: Modification Yamaha Matic in "Kuta Bali"
